Tuesday, September 2, 2014

archiving the memories...

I brought the leathers up to the loft last week. There were chaps and the jacket, from a German manufacturer that I will surely mispell. And there were rain pants from Harley. But mostly, there was heart break from having to pack away a life, and unimagined adventures. I am sure I am not the first, nor shall I be the last, that pen these musings. But that does not make the heartbreak any less painful. Can I say this less emphatically, THIS FUCKING SUCKS. He should fucking be here. Right now, Yesterday and tomorrow. And I know I am but a grain of sand in the heart breaks that happen every minute of every day. So I should not feel alone. And yet I do. For none of them know the heart break that tears at my very fabric each and every day. Nor do I know theirs. Thus is the suffrage of life. DID I MENTION THIS FUCKING SUCKS?

I love and miss you, my Buffalo... every minute of every day. Every breath. Every thought.


Jeffrey C. Nichols said...

Thank you for sharing your life and memories with us. Wish I knew what to say, and words could heal.

Bobbi Yum said...

Thanks, Jeff... guess it will just take time.