Monday, January 28, 2013

What the heck is with the traffic in Florida?

OK, so we found ourselves in the world that is much aligned with the netherworld that is known as Orlando, Florida … and I do not understand how anybody could live here. The traffic pattern was more like a NASCAR race than a normal commute. The speed limit through the area was an astonishing 70MPH but we were doing this speed and were being by passed by drivers exceeding this amount by far! It was a terrifying world that was beyond my wildest expectations... and then the fun began!

The stop and start of traffic was an edge of the world experience. The car is front and the semi truck behind truly made the experience one of a kind. And then, well, it became a cat and mouse game of who gets in front and behind and you people are a bunch of fucking assholes. Oh, wait, did, I say that out loud, because after no sleep and dealing with this mess, well, yeah, this is actually what I am thinking. Actually, traffic wasn't bad until we hopped on Route 4 diagonally crossing Florida, and well before Orlando, it was clipping along good. It was just, well, fast, very, very fast. I love going fast on my motorcycle. I don't even mind going fast in my pick up truck. And I don't mind other people going faster than me...usually. But these people were going stupid fast for the bumper to bumper five lanes across conditions. Add to that an unusually very tired Buffalo short on temper and a rather tired Bobbi short on patience with an unusually very tired Buffalo. It was nerve wracking. We finally got to a spot outside of Orlando and I took over the drive the rest of the way.

Got to cousin Ronnie's after dark, pulled in and parked the rig, ordered pizza, enjoyed adult beverages and put the Buffalo to bed...I wasn't far behind. Tomorrow, well, tomorrow we RIDE.

Peace... Bobbi


Jeffrey C. Nichols said...

Orlando is crazy, I hate having to go across I-4.

Bobbi Yum said...

Yes, great place to visit and see... at least once. We talked about doing Epcot Center but after suffering the traffic across the state, I said NFW.