Monday, January 28, 2013

SUNDAY AFTERNOON... how cool is this?

Rolling out the scooters at Cousin Ronnie's
Offloaded the bikes at Ronnie's Sunday morning. It was sort of a fuzzy morning as we spent Saturday evening partaking in adult beverages and catching up at the diningroom table. Sunday morning it was 55 degrees. I walked back and forth from the house to the van in my bare feet and jammies to fetch forgotton toiletries and miscellaneous stuff because...well, I could!

We met up with Ronnie's riding buddy, Bill, and took off with the boys for a day ride east of Sarasota. They took us out in the country, so to speak. I did not know that there was flat land and scrub brush in Florida. And cows? There are more cows in Florida that I have seen than in Ohio or Iowa or Kansas. Cousin Ronnie tells us Florida is second or third largest cattle producing state...really? Well, a quick internet search resulted in a U.S. Ranking of about 29th as the best I could find...
Breakfast Stop!

The bike bar in the middle of no where...
Anyways, I digress. We took off in about 60 degree temperatures and by the time we got to our lunch stop, it was 80! It was awesome! On the way there, we rode down some two lane back roads with spanish moss hanging from roadside trees. Palm trees growing wild on the sides of the roads and intermittently in the middle of a scrub brush field. We stuffed ourselves on burgers and fries at a local eatery somewhere about 75 miles outside of Sarasota before mounting up again and working our way back towards the city. Part way back, Ron and Bill stopped at a little watering hole at a crossroad. It was sort of like an old house that was converted into a bar like place. There was a stand up bar with a gray haired hippy chick serving bottled beers, some ratty old sofas across from the bar, but most everybody who stopped was parked out on the deck. A mix of motorcycles, classic old cars and some fancy new convertibles were scattered around the place when we departed.

What are you guys looking at down there?
We took some other back roads back into town, racking up a total of 155 miles by days end. On the way back, Ronnie and Bill pulled over after riding across a little wooden bridge with some awesome scenery and I thought, wow, Ronnie, thanks for stopping for a cool photo op... Well, not exactly. Ronnie's hip was cramping up and he needed to stretch, but at least he picked a nifty little spot. In the stream below the bridge, there were the remains of what appeared to be a cattle carcus...the speculation was that he was got by a gater... Check out the picture! And the boys standing around talking about nothing really important, like guys tend to do! (ha ha! Just kidding, boys!)
Somebody's dinner?

A perfect day for our first day in town. Nice to know that all of Florida isn't the crowded crazy mess we experienced coming in through Orlando or swamp lands like the movies show!

Buffalo on the Monday ride.
Peace ~ Bobbi

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