Monday, January 28, 2013

Monday, Monday...

From Sunday's ride and the stop on the bridge
Well, that 155 mile ride Sunday took it's toll on Buffalo and Ronnie. Buffalo was still feeling the chemo hang over and woke up tired and whipped Monday morning. Ronnie, who is 68 and doesn't even look close to it, was also exhausted from the previous day's adventure. We chose to designate Monday as a day of R&R and a chance to visit some more and take our time packing up the scoots. We ran out for a late morning breakfast, then Ronnie took us on a driving tour of Sarasota's Amish neighborhood. I kid you not. We drove through a neighborhood of teeny tiny little houses and Amish people in the standard Amish apparel walking along the street and riding these three wheeled bicycles all over the place. There was a Yoder's farmers market and a Miller's Restaurant and an Amish Family Restaurant along with a bunch of RV's with three wheeled bicycles parked beside them that apparently these Amish people drive down here for the winter!! And these weren't old junky RV's, these were the big fancy pushers! Now don't ask me why Amish people drive to Florida but then feel it is necessary to ride bicycles when they get here. And all their houses have electricity to them here. So I am not exactly sure how the whole Amish mindset justifies this hodge podge lifestyle they have developed between their two worlds, but it was one of the silliest things I have seen since we have been here!

Later, when we went to pack up the bikes we realized that we had forgotten half the bungy cords we usually use and had to run out and get some at the local Home Depot. Oh well, if something didn't go wrong on a trip, it isn't an adventure. And if that's the worst of it, that will be a good thing. Life is good this week. Enjoy the ride!

Peace ~ Bobbi

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