Thursday, February 17, 2011

Ulf Engelhart ...our Swedish friend to come to US

It was somewhere in the desert between Taos, New Mexico and where we called home, Anaheim, California. We had been on a short-run from SoCal to check out a piece of dirt a remote relative had left Buffalo, somewhere in the scrub brush outside of Taos. We road all night, two up, on the Red Whore, as we affectionately called Buffalo's '83 Tour Glide, when we crossed paths with an obvious European ride. The license plate announced a European presence. We were, quite frankly, intrigued. And so it was, at a rest area, somewhere between there and home, we finally met up with the Swedish rider, Ulf. He had flown his Harley over from his home to ours to travel the four corners of this awesome country and experience our land on two wheels. He was headed to SoCal to tie up with a fellow countryman living there. We invited him to ride along and to stay at our place until he could hook up with his friend. And so it was, in true bike style, we brought a brother of the road home, I copped a Harley Women magazine article out of the experience (an Asphalt Angels publication I freelanced for at the time), and we shared some old school biker brotherhood of the road. He stayed at our place, it may have been a night or was long ago and I cannot remember the details now. But we stayed in touch via snail mail for quite awhile, then life took it's turns and we lost touch. Over Christmas 2010, I found Ulf Engelhart via the dreaded Facebook. And soon, we will again meet our long lost brother of the road, our two lane friend, and his wife and son, when they come to the United States. Brother, we look forward to seeing you again. Something so special as our meeting was never forgotten, just filed away in the pleasant memory file of why we love the Harleys, the road, the lifestyle. Until we see you, our friend.

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