Sunday, January 9, 2011

a Most Timely Quote

Why be saddled with this thing called life expectancy? Of what relevance to an individual is such a statistic? Am I to concern myself with an allotment of days I never had and was never promised? Must I check off each day of my life as if I am subtracting from this imaginary hoard? No, on the contrary, I will add each day of my life to my treasure of days lived. And with each day, my treasure will grow, not diminish." ~Robert Brault (thanks so much to Terri of the Quote Garden, who posted this to her blog...)

As you may or may not know by now, my soul mate, partner, best friend, lover and husband has been diagnosed with liver cancer. He is currently on the UNOS transplant list and we wait for the call every day. I don't want to turn my blog into a crying post, I just wanted to let you know. His biggest fear is that the call will come at the beginning of summer, robbing him of an entire riding season! My biggest fear is that the call will not come in time. Keep us in your thoughts.

Happy New Year!

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