Sunday, May 9, 2010

the great American BBA rebuild

Alright, brothers and sisters. We looked at the grill when the snow had subsided and decided that it was looking pretty shabby. So the Buffalo and I went out to shop for a new deck cooking machine and, boy, did we get a dose of reality. I gotta' tell ya' that shit is frigging costly. What we fell in love with was a $1300 stainless steel grilling machine. What we really need was some replacement parts for our CharBroiler. And Buffalo found 'em at So here is our rebuilding diary: 1. Here is the mess we started with. Everything inside of the grill was rusting apart...welcome to Ohio...the moldiest place on the planet. So we thought we might have to trash the whole thing. Then Buffalo found the list of replacement parts in our "operations and maintenance" files (those of you in construction understand...a place where you file every piece of literature that came with every stupid thing you every bought). So there was a list of parts for Buffalo to order from.

(2) Here are the replacement parts...three burners, racks for the burner diffusers, the burner diffusers and little connector rods from burner to burner to both hold the burners in the correct position and also to assist the flame to travel from burner to burner.

(3) After dismantling the interior of the grill, Buffalo proceeds to power wash the entire unit inside and out...not a pretty site, but, hey, I've seen uglier! LOL Now this baby is ready to be reassembled.

(4) OK, so now we add the burners, the supports for the diffusers and all the other stuff. And, whalla, a sorta' new grill.

Cost of replacement parts: $90
time to perform repairs: 2 hours
Savings from cooking our baby backs at home: $25
Savings of having to buy that stainless BBQ: $1300
Value of remembering what our folks taught us: PRICELESS!!

1 comment:

Jeffrey C. Nichols said...

Excellent, thanks for the resource, going through the same thing here.