Sunday, June 28, 2009

The Stuff that got skipped Probably 1 of ??

Hey, guys... here's some of the stuff that got skipped along the way. Cathy and John at the cabins in Robbinsville were absolutely awesome hosts, but trying to type up a blog while sitting and bullshitting with them IN THEIR LIVINGROOM in their air conditioned home was tough. I mean, these people were the most hospitable folks people like us could hope to meet on the road, but, like I said, doing a blog in their livingroom was sort of a pressure situation.

So here's some of the stuff that I have skipped over the last few days. Our cabin was aweome. The decor was totally designed for the vacation mode...I mean, these people didn't spare anything on creating the "mood" but unless you have actually priced all the little things that Cathy the John put into these little cabins, you can't appreciate what they have put into it. I am so limited on what I can put in here, so probably when I get home I will post an album of everything I couldn't share with everybody here but for now, I wanted to show what we saw when we arrived and what we woke up to our first of two mornings at our cabin.

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