Monday, June 29, 2009

Mount Magazine

We headed into the depths of Arkansas today, rolling into the outskirts of Little Rock and grabbing breakfast just on the outskirts before heading south on 440, then hopping on route 30 to SR 5 which runs into Hot Springs. We skirted around Hot Springs, a major tourist destination, then ran route 2-something north of the big lake, hoping to run the perimeter with lake side views and temperatures. Today it was NINETY FIVE degrees where we were! We stopped at a little gas stop snack stand where we visited with a couple of local motorcyclists for about a half hour, soaking in the AC in the little store while they gave us some riding roads to check out. We wound up heading up route 309 to Mt. Magazine, one of the highest points in Arkansas. We had dinner and a beer at the lodge, after we signed up for a membership to the Lodge...dry county...Visited with some riders from Texas eating at the table next to us who had scored a room at the lodge for the night and a cabin for tomorrow night. Not easy to do as we had tried to get reservations for July 4th a couple of months ago and they were booked. But it is pretty expensive, as you can tell. Hey, to all my friends in the construction industry, check out the construction of this place!! Pretty impressive! Great ride -- spectacular views.

1 comment:

Jeffrey C. Nichols said...

Beautiful views from up there! I have been to Arkansas many times, but never up to Mt. Magazine. My uncle manages construction projects for the park service in Arkansas and has done allot of work up at that lodge. Glad you guys are have a great ride! -Jeff