Sunday, June 21, 2009

Packin' Up & Gettin' Ready to Roll

Hey All! This is my last post until we are on the road and heading out to North Carolina. As you can see, I have the temperatures of our destinations tracking and, hopefully, they will remain warm and dry! But whatever they are, you will be able to see what we are riding into, out of or towards.

We spent most of the day Saturday Unpacking the riding gear. Here's Buffalo checking his night time riding glasses for scratches, as we went through and checked day and evening glasses, gloves (we each carry three pair, light weight, medium weight, and pretty darned cold), rain pants, chapstick and sunscreen.

While we packed, Kitty kept us company out in the barn, guarding our trusty steeds from the ominous robins and bluejays and ground squirrels just lurking about, waiting to catch us off guard! Fortunately, the packing went without incident and we are just about ready to go.

We checked it out and the notebook computer, tucked in the portable dvd case we bought to house it, fits snuggly in the Softail's saddlebag. We chose to ride it in my bike as mine runs a little smoother than Buffalo's road king.

Well, the next entry will be somewhere on the road. Looking forward to this trip sooooo much! Until then pray for sunshine!

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