Thursday, June 25, 2009

Day One of Our NC - Arkansas trip

What a great day to wake up to...the weather was promising to climb to the nineties, with a good chance of afternoon boomers, but we knew we would be long gone by then. It was nearly seventy when we pulled out at 8:30 am, figuring that by then we would avoid the morning rush hour in Akron. But that was not to be. On I-76 east of Akron we came upon one hell of a two car crash, then a statey giving some poor bastard on his way to work a speeding ticket and, finally, some car that had puked up half of its fluids and a hazmat team was on the scene doing cleanup. An hour and a half later we were finally in Canton having breakfast!

Of course, I was wondering how well Buffalo would fare on the first day. While getting ready for the trip, he decided to do battle with the numerous ground squirrels on the property, and there was a definite shade of "Ground Hog Day" to the story when it was all said and done. As he was chasing squirrel holes with bate the day before we were to go, he stepped on a rotted pallet back behind the barn and his foot went right through the pallet, spraining his ankle. So this is what Buffalo looked like the night before we left, with ice under the towels wrapped around his swollen, purple ankle. I threatened to kennel his ass along with Kitty but Bill at Lordstown Country Kennel would have none of that, so I had to let him come along anyways!

We made it to Virginia tonight with really no incidents to speak of. Thought we were going to get rained on...road over some wet pavement where it had rained prior to our passing, and actually had to throw our jackets on going over the pass in WV (a whopping 3200 ft above sea level!) But we arrived about 45 minutes from where we want to jump on the Blue Ridge Parkway tomorrow morning in NC.

We did notice along the way there are an awefull lot of adult book stores and "gentlemen's clubs" off the interstate in WV -- and this got Buffalo wondering, why do they call it a "gentlemen's club"? He's been in a 'few' of these will find all kinds of riff raff and trash, bikers to red necks to perverts, but he ain't never seen no 'gentleman' in one of those joints, so why do they call it a gentleman's club??

Until the next time...Bobbi & Buffalo

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