Saturday, June 27, 2009

Day Three - We did the Dragon Today!

OK, we did the Dragon today and survived. Man, what a zoo that was. That place had as many bikes there as what you would see on any road during bike week of Sturgis! Hundreds and hundreds of Harleys, BMWs and crotch rockets, all trying to show how much testosterone they could wear on their sleeves! This picture is from Deals Gap and was taken early in the day. By the time we rode over the Dragon, then turned around and rode back again, the place was packed! But actually that wasn't the coolest road we were on today...route 28 was way better and alot less crowded.

Of course, most of yesterday was spent just getting here. We decided to ride the Blue Ridge Parkway and got part way down, only to find it was closed for construction! Twice!! After the second detour, we hopped off and took state highways back to the interstate. But not before Buffalo managed to twist his ankle again. Now it is really getting to be pretty colors! Fortunately, we sat and drank with the folks in the cabin next to us last night, so they were kind enough to share some ice for Buffalo's ankle. Of course, we're not too sure what all we talked about with these folks before we made our way to bed, but from the photos, it sure looks like we had a good time! Was feeling it this morning before taking off...

On a closing note for tonight, we want to tell our buddy Randy that we got his voice mail, appreciate his offer in case anything comes up...but next time, buddy, leave your number! Your cell phone number is protected!!

And we would like to thank our hosts of the Dragon's Rest cabins for their hospitality and the use of their wireless...without it, I would not be updating tonight. Until my next update...we'll catch up with you then!

Buffalo and Bobbi

1 comment:

Rob said...

What a great trip. Is the Dragon really awesome or is it mostly hype?