Tuesday, July 4, 2023

A Dream Come True and Tears on the Way....


uly 4rh. Our Nation's birthday and a day of celebration. I headed north across Missouri towards Iowa with one destination in mind: The National Motorcycle Museum in Anamosa, Iowa. Buffalo and I had always wanted to go there. And then, when he checked out, it became one of those "I will go one day" destinations. And the years rolled by and then, word came down that J&P Cycles, the owners and proprietors of this institution, were closing the museum and liquidating all the items. And the some day became this year. And this destination became a priority. Because, seriously, is there really many reasons to go to Iowa? Unless your mama is there? And quite frankly, the closer I got, the more emotional this became for

me. And as I pulled into the parking lot, I cried. I don't apologize. Because I was so very sad that I wasn't sharing this with my Buffalo . I sat in the parking lot and wiped the tears away and composed myself.These moments are fleeting and come fast and pass quicker as time goes on.  But the emotions remain raw. They may always be there. But they are part of who I am... of who we were. And I don't apologize. 

And I brushed off the emotions and walked into see what I came to see. And I wasn't disappointed. The displays of motorcycle memorabilia was extensive. As a motorcyclist. and a history aficionado, I can truly say that the loss of this American gem will be a loss for all of us. These types of collections are few and far between and the specialties of these are rare. The collectors who have accumulated these items for us to see are truly American heroes in their own rights. They have done this out of love for the sport and the life style

and have done so with little to no compensation compared to the expense of their collection. Unfortunately, the masses do not truly appreciate the cost of their investment. I am sad that I did not visit this collection sooner or support their efforts.

I took so many photos that I cannot post them all tonight. But I will share a small sampling of the collection tonight and later will photo dump. And to my Buffalo, and to all the men and women who always said they would come see this and never did, I am so sorry you didn't get to see this. To all the rest... Life is short. Do the fucking road trip, damn it. 

Peace and Love All. Bobbi

1 comment:

Jeffrey C. Nichols said...

Very cool!! Cant wait to see the rest of the pics.