Sunday, June 25, 2023

Made it to Kentucky ...

 Happy Sunday Night! First day OTR (on the road if you aren't familiar with that...) Woke up to a relatively

 gloomy day but the weather weasels (I mean weather men and women) predicted scattered showers. When you plan a motorcycle ride with hook ups with friends or reservations for lodging or a combination of both, the weather must take a back seat to the obligations previously laid upon you. Even if you are the dumb MF that made those obligations. Because... well, they cost you both money and friendships when you re neg on them. 

So off I went Sunday morning. Barely slept Saturday night, in anticipation of a road trip, and found myself up and chomping at the bit at 4am!

The run through Akron, OH ... a damned nightmare of a drive during the week, was a piece of cake at 8am Sunday! Grabbed breakfast in Medina before heading towards Columbus. Worked my way around the south end to catch the highway towards Cincinnati, and that's when the fun started, Those scattered showers decided to rain on my parade and I rode in and out of them for several hours between Columbus and Cincinnati. 

Ran into some Canadian wind brothers at a rest area south of Cincinnati and we chatted for awhile before moving on and settling in for the night in Georgetown, just north of Lexington. 362 miles today. Not alot by my West Side Crew's standards but, screw you guys... I am older! hahaha 

So all is well that ends well tonight. Boring interstate running today but cool running into several other groups of riders on the road I could ask directions of. Always good to see our "family" out doing what we love!

Peace and Love all. You suckers have a great day at work tomorrow. I am riding. --Bobbi

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