Sunday, July 10, 2016

Heading North - Road Trip 2016

Well, it's that time of year again when the rubber meets the asphalt and I must scratch the itch to wander about. Originally, my intentions were simply to explore the State of Michigan, wander the eastern and western shore lines and meander to the Upper Peninsula, following the green dots on the Rand McNally (that would be GPS for old people, as my friend Mike Lazusky likes to say). But as I was exploring the routes and studying the maps, my eyes wandered to neighboring Ontario province in Canada and a line of green dots coming and going from Saulte Saint Marie. I turned to the back of the big map book, to look at Ontario, and there I discovered a large loop of all green dots. I jumped on the web, that giver of all information known to man, to find out there is a little advertised motorcycle mecca of a ride waiting to be explored by this Yankee.Called the Grand Algoma Tour, this little gem beckons me to come and explore some very new, very unknown places. And so, I plan to ride through Michigan, directly to Saulte Saint Marie, and do this loop first, then double back to the UP to visit with friends in Marquette, Michigan.

Here is a link for you to explore my intentions, it you are so interested.

I depart on Thursday, July 14th, leaving town as all the Republicans and media begin to flood Northeast Ohio for the RNC. I only hope the after math will have calmed down when I return to work on July 25th. And somewhere in between, I shall be posting here, of my journey and adventures. I hope you will come along for the ride. I would be honored to have you as my guest.



1 comment:

Jeffrey C. Nichols said...

Looks like an awesome trip! Travel safe.