Thursday, January 31, 2013


Sunset in paradise... this is where we stayed in Key Largo!
So we were very anxious to get back to our little slice of tropical heaven for a night and got back just before sunset. We watched, along with our fellow travelers, as the sun faded into the gulf and blessed us with the display we were truly hoping for. Unfortunately, my camera battery farted out right then, so I had to take this photograph with my darned cell phone! Ugh! Technology! Really?

Our room is downstairs in this photo!
Where we wound up sleeping for the view!
So, how about those acommodations, eh? We had a regular apartment, with a livingroom, kitchen, diningroom, and separate bedroom. But since the best view in the place was from the livingroom, we left the curtains opened and slept in the livingroom on the two sofas!

We sat out on the patio, turned on the ceiling fans and watched the sun sink into the gulf, then just enjoyed sitting outside, in January, in a t-shirt. I never thought I would enjoy this so much, but I realized how much I truly have missed my California roots. 

Oh crap, I forgot to tell you all about something very funny we saw along the way. There was a small airport somewhere in the keys which offered sky diving, which I considered a little "iffy" because, well, your target is pretty damned small to begin with, wouldn't you say? But add to that the fact that a genius named his company "Icarus Aviation." If you don't get it, Google Icarus. I mean, really? So on that note, we finished up our night on a rather fantastic evening. Buffalo got to run the Keys and I got another fantastic day with the man I love.

"Life is good today, is good."


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