OK, so it was calling for 90+ degree temperatures in northeast Ohio and we knew we did not want to sit that out. Who cares about the new garbage disposal sitting in the breezeway while a bucket is parked under the leaking one? And who would even think about the Astro van with the gushing brake lines throughout the under carriage up on jack stands in the garage...the roll of braided line calmly waiting to be installed beneath the van...? And yeah, the dog poop that needs to be picked up and the dishes left in the sink and ... oh, fuck it... we all know we aren't taking care of any of this with winter peaking around the corner. GOT TO G
So we booked out 305 and took the back way through Sharpsville into Hermitage, PA to try to tie up with Pennsylvania Dana. Called her before we left and found she had just gotten out of bed! Sooo, we told her we would call her from the Sheetz gas station in Hermitage. Unfortunately (for Dana, that is) her line was busy, busy, busy for the fifteen minutes or so it took us to down our Monster Javas, so, girl friend, you are on your own.
We booked out 62 through Mercer, Franklin and Oil City, and had decided we were going to do route 666 in the opposite direction we normally go (does that mean we did 999? LOL). But I remembered checking out the map and seeing turn offs from 666 to Tionesta and found it on the map but it didn't have any road number. So we stopped in Tionesta for gas and asked the guy at the station. What do ya' know...he says take the first left up the road, it's German Hill Road, and it will take us up to Whig Hill on 666. What a cool road! New find! EEEE Hawww!!
So we run 666 out to 968 to 66 into Kane for Lunch at Pepe's. Awesome lunch, great service! Everything was super good! Then jumped on route 6 heading west to Warren, PA. Another detour as, during lunch while studying the atlas, we found a road that runs parallel to 62 from Warren, PA to Titioutte, PA on 62! OK, we had to check this out. Turns out it is PA 377 and it was as good if not better than 666!
By the time we hit Titioutte, we had wracked up 200 miles so it was time to head home. Rounded out the afternoon with 304.3 miles on the travel odometer, two very sunburnt and exhausted riders. What a fucking day.
Brothers and sisters, they are coming to an end soon, so ride 'em if ya' got 'em. Make the most of these days. Oh yeah, just so you know, in Allegheny National Forrest, the leaves are starting the change...waaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhh.
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