Sunday, January 2, 2011

Day Tripping Summer of 2010

Well, the summer of 2010 was one of our quieter summers. Buffalo was dealing with health issues that we were trying to determine the cause of all summer. Those issues included some very intense cramping that made day rides alot more challenging. He could ride for about an hour, but then the cramps would set in and he had trouble holding the handle bars. So we did some little short rides with friends. One of those rides was over to Drake's Well Oil Museum in Titusville, PA with our buddy Jimbo. We love spending the day at this total "dude" museum anyways and the ride up there is beautiful no matter which one of the many two-lane PA highways you choose to take. Jimbo is always a fun guy to spend a day with, having been the survivor of a double kidney and pancreas transplant operation, Jimbo lives life to the fullest. He is a skilled rider and loves to ride hard and find something funny in just about everything there is. And, of course, I never get tired of checking out the various pieces of machinery at the museum and the skilled craftsmanship that is displayed throughout the various out buildings.

Another afternoon, we grabbed our buddy, Randy, from Deerfield, and took him over the Pennsylvania for a day ride. We dragged Randy to one of our favorite look out points, Kennerdell, a well hidden spot outside of Cranberry that we found entirely by accident. Randy doesn't do much riding in PA, so every where we went was pretty much uncharted territory for him. The only problem riding with Randy is that he loves to talk so much, we have to coax him back on to the bikes at almost every stop! But he is another one that is nothing but fun to spend a day with! And between Randy and Jimbo, neither of them are the typical bar hopping day riders, they both love riding, which makes riding with them all the more fun!

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