Monday, July 5, 2010

Quick Post till we get to NY

Hello friends. We finally found a spot with wifi here at the Laundry Mat!! Campground does not have it. We got here safe and sound on Friday, a little cooler ride than expected, but it was very nice. We jumped off the freeway around mile marker 100 and took some two lane black top through the forest for about another 100 miles before making our way to Steel Steeds Campground. Our trailer is very comfy and we quickly became acquainted with our fellow campers. Unfortunately I forgot the cord I use to download photos from my camera so I can't post pictures either till I get home or till I talk somebody into downloading them and emailing them to me!

Bob and Daine, owners of the campground, are very nice folks. When we pulled in on Friday, Bob was sitting at the front gate drinking a beer with the guy who pumps the porta potties. There are lots of motorcycles at the campground though we were disappointed at how many people trailered their bikes there.

Saturday we rode over to Bills Old Bike Barn to check out his awesome collection of motorcycles and antiques. I am anxious to post all the photos so you guys can see what an amazing collection of stuff he has! Then we rode over to a fantastic 22 hole miniature golf course to round out our day.

Sunday we took off up route 15 and caught route 44 west into the forrest, then route 144 south to route 45, a 250 mile day trip with some of the most amazing twisty roads. Buffalo's face is terribly sunburned, despite all the sun screen we have been lathering on. So today we are doing laundry and staying out of the sun to give him a chance to recoup.

Will post again tomorrow when we get to our hotel in Hammondsport, NY. Will try to get some way to down load my pictures too. As always, we are having a blast!

Till next time, Bobbi and Buffalo, on the road...

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