Sunday, July 12, 2009

Made It Home

Well, we made it home with no further mishaps. We left our Little Switzerland cabin on Sunday morning around 7:30 am after packing up the bikes. We found our way to US 125 in northern Arkansas and rode that until we reached Peel's Ferry. It is a free ferry that takes vehicles across Bull Shoals Lake into Missouri. Neither Buffalo or I had been on a ferry with our bikes so we figured it would be another new adventure for us. As we pulled up to the ferry location, we were the first vehicles to the loading location. There was a big spray painted sign that said "stop here" and next to that, somebody had put a second spray painted sign that read "bikes too." Wouldn't you know, Buffalo rides right past both signs down to the ferry loading then turns around and looks at me wondering why I stopped! Eventually I coaxed him back to the stop and wait point and we got to be the front and fore most vehicles on the ferry. We stayed on Route 125 after we got into Missouri and it was one of the most awesome rides we had done in a few days (because we did all the really good Arkansas rides the first couple of days we were there.) It was a curvy, hilly road with nice sweeps and virtually no traffic at all. Of course, it being Sunday morning, alot of the businesses in the little towns we passed along the way were closed because everybody was in church. Every little town had at least one church in it, but not every town had a gas station and the ones that did weren't open. We finally lucked out, found a gas station when we neared the interstate, then eventually settled on Shoney's for brunch. If you have never been south and had the distinct "pleasure" of sharing a meal at Shoney's on a Sunday morning, you have not missed much! From that point in Missouri on, the balance of the trip was uneventful on interstate. We are both ready for new rear tires and, needless to say, Buffalos Road King will need a fair amount of repairs this winter. He is going to inspect the back end of his bike this week to determine if there is any additional hidden damage caused by our little run in...hopefully not. Sucks to be back to work, but, hey, gotta' pay for those road trips some how. And, speaking as some one who has been on a road trip before with no home to come back to, it was sure nice to have a place we call home to return to. And it was great to see the Kitty dog again too! Keep the rubber side down.

Bobbi and Buffalo

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