Saturday, May 9, 2009

My Very First Blog

Welcome to my very first blog.

I am so ready for summer to be here. Life in northeast Ohio for an avid motorcycle enthusiast is torturous. Today is cloudy and windy but is "supposed" to get to 70, although I doubt it will. Tomorrow is going to be in the mid-fifties. Gray and cloudy again I suppose.

I have a 2005 Soft Tail Deluxe that I love. It is my passion and I lose any inhibitions when I am riding her. She is black cherry with white walls and matching hard saddle bags. And today she is sitting parked and probably will remain so for the next week or so.

My husband and best friend is Buffalo. He is also a Harley rider, although his passion seems to have lessened over the years. Me, I will hop on my bike to run to the grocery store; to him, that is too much "work." I look for any opportunity to ride. He, on the other hand, prefers an entire day. Of course, that is what I also prefer however life doesn't always give us exactly what we want so you just have to make the best of it.

So this is my entrance to the blogisphere. I hope that by the end of June, when we are ready to hit the road for our twelve day road trip to Arkansas by way of North Carolina I will be an old hand at this blogging stuff and will be able to share our road trip day by day with my friends and soon to be friends. If nothing else you do today, get on your motorcycle and get some wind in your face...because you never know what tomorrow shall bring.

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